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Arkansas River Navigation System Thru Paddle...

Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi

The Arkansas River begins in central Colorado as snow melt in the Rocky Mountains. As it falls to the plains it slows and much of it, more or less, goes underground through much of Kansas. For navigation, as far as feasible, The Arkansas River Navigation System was created. It starts at an inland port near Tulsa, Oklahoma, The Port of Catoosa. From there i paddled 138 leagues down and onto the Mississippi River. The Navigation system works its way through NE Oklahoma, briefly following the Verdigris River and soon converges with the Arkansas River. From there it travels east across the state of Arkansas through the Oachita and Ozark National Forests ending in almost bayou type territory with beautiful backwaters and the occasional gator. From there a canal enters the White River for its final 10 miles to the Mississippi River.  On down to the Port of Greenville Mississippi.  Such good people on the river.  Thank You, I miss you all...


arkansas river traveler, ozark to cherokee park 407.JPG
arkansas river traveler, ozark to cherokee park 155.JPG
minni II solo, tulsa to ft. smith 359.JPG
arkansas river traveler, ozark to cherokee park 233.JPG
minni II solo, tulsa to ft. smith 299.JPG
arkansas river traveler, ozark to cherokee park 382.JPG
minni II solo, tulsa to ft. smith 081.JPG
minni II solo, tulsa to ft. smith 194.JPG


I had just made it over the Arkansas border from Oklahoma, to an old-time outpost; Fort Smith. I went up and found a fishing license, paddled back to the middle of the river, threw a fishin line off one side, one on the other, and more or less trolled fishing lines all the way across the state of Arkansas to Mississippi.

comin into ozark, arkansas 084.JPG
Minni II, Ft. Smith to Ozark 114.JPG
minni II solo, tulsa to ft. smith 401.JPG
arkansas river traveler, ozark to cherokee park 047.JPG
arkansas river traveler, ozark to cherokee park 110.JPG
minni II solo, tulsa to ft. smith 009.JPG
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